Thursday, April 8, 2010

Lilly's first ear infection=worst timing EVER!

You really wouldn't be able to tell by this picture, but Lilly has been SO sick. We found out three days before we were to leave for Texas that she had a double ear infection, and on a scale of 1-10 both ears were at a 10. Not to gross you out too much but her ears had so much puss in them that it was actually coming out of her eyes. Poor baby girl! I was so torn and upset trying to figure out what would be best, to stay home and let her get better, or go and be a part of something really special, Trey and Caroline's wedding! 

Well I really had no idea Lilly was that sick, she was more tired but still laughing and playing with us. Needless to say this girl's pain tolerance must be much higher than mine! She was such a trooper, and we went in to see the doctor again on Wednesday and said her ears were doing better, they were not healed but better and pretty much said go ahead on the trip just be prepared for a lot of pain and crying.

Lilly was seriously a rockstar! We got on the plane (after a sleepless night for me, what can I say I am a worry wart, didn't want her to be in pain or have her crying and bothering other people) and Lilly did awesome. She never cried or grabbed at her ears. She laughed, played, ate some yummy new snacks and even took a little nap! I was so proud of her, we even had a couple people tell us how good she did! 

Our first night there we went out to dinner with Steve, Jill, Brady and Annie at one of my favorite places down there the iron cactus. I had some yummy fish tacos! Lilly started to get a fever that night and I really didn't think anything of it. We went the next day to visit Taylor's sister Edie and her kids Austen, Davis, and little Taylor. Lilly, well all of us had a blast! It was so great to see them all and spend time with them! We just miss them so much and wish we could spend more time with them.

Here are a few pics from our visit to their house...
It was so great! That night we had the rehearsal dinner and it was beautiful and fun! I didn't get any pictures because I was busy taking care of a fussy baby with a high fever, and then once some meds kicked in I was busy chasing after her and trying to keep her quiet during speeches! It was a wonderful day, and next I will post about the wedding day!

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